Last Sunday after church, Piggy gal and I went to Jusco to buy some stuffs which she left out when she went shopping with SL the day before. Sister Pek Kee dropped us at Jusco…piggy and myself were glad that we were given a lift there. Imagine having some time together… we used to do before went to college. No guys to tacked behind and hurrying us ….sheer heaven!
Guys have no patience when it comes to shopping with their wives . Guys never like shopping. 80% of them hate shopping . Girls like to slowly pick their stuff and at times undecided which color or which design to choose….girls are born like that. Fickle minded is the word . Ahem…girls are known to be choosy and they love window shopping whereas guys are easily bored when they have to accompany their girlfriends out shopping. I have seen guys sitting on the benches waiting for their wives looking bored….haizz during courting time their patience level are much much higher. But after marriage…gosh …...the patience level dropped…..WHY? Haha…... I sometime wonder why men behave like that ..…(",)
Let me give you an illustration of a couple’s courting time and 20 years down the road. The scenario before marriage and after marriage. I heard of this illustration during one of the Sunday’s sermon.
Before marriage - This couple were holding hands and walking down the road. Suddenly ,the girlfriend kicked a stone and hurt her toe. Before the girlfriend could uttered ouch….the boyfriend was the first to cry out as if he was the one in pain. Went on his knee and lifted up the girlfriend’s foot ,wiped away the blood with a tissue paper and kissed it well.
20 years after marriage - The man walked ahead and the wife lagged behind.Suddenly, the wife kicked a stone and hurt her toe. The husband turned around and snapped at her " Are you blind............"
I know the above has no relevant to what I am going to share today…Just a thought that came to mind since we were talking about man's patience * wink, wink*** Guess I was side tracked ….haha coming back to the main topic…..Piggy gal and I were very hungry, so we went hunting for food …hmmmm food court was crowded , infact most of the eating outlets were crowded becoz it was a Sunday lunch hour. So finally , we had our lunch at Johnny’s Steamboat. Even here , the place was crowded. We had to wait for our turn to be seated.
We looked through the menu …and placed our orders. This is what we ate for lunch . A simple meal yet satisfying. It was not expensive . The service was good despite the place was packed and the food came fast too . Piggy took pictures with her handphone . We had a wonderful time together and I really look forward to many more of this rendezvous with my Piggy gal. It was not the food that we enjoyed…it was the fellowship we had together….yakking and sharing our stories….we had so much to tell each other (",)

Quote for the Day:
The sun ….in its full glory, either at rising or setting –
This and many other like blessings we enjoy daily.
And for most of them, because they are so common,
Most forget to pay their praises. But let not us.
~~ Izaak Walton ~~
More truth about what happens after marriage :)