This is WB's favorite dish......Pork Chop Chinese Style. He has been pestering me to cook this dish for some time but because I don't fancy this dish much, I ignored his request and gave stupid excuses not to cook this dish for him ...:p so selfish of me. But yesterday, I cooked this dish for him for lunch and he was super happy with it...hahaha actually I was tired and lazy to cook anything, not just this particular dish. I am still in retirement bliss :p . He loves lots and lots of onion rings in his pork chop and I added in chillies for him :)

Pork Chop Chinese Style - WB's Kitchen
ingredients for meat patties
300 gm minced meat - chicken or pork
1 tsp of ground black pepper
1.5 tsp of light soy sauce
1 egg
1 tbsp of corn flour
mix and stir the above ingredients together with a pair of chopstick till meat is sticky . Scoop a tbsp of meat mixture and pan fried them till both sides are brown ,crispy and cooked. Repeat process till all meat mixture is used up. Leave aside.
ingredients for the dish
pan fried meat patties (14 pieces )
2 red onions- cut into rings
1 tbsp of chopped garlic
1 tbsp of vegetable oil
1 tbsp of oyster sauce
1 tbsp of Xiao Hsing cooking wine
1/2 cup water + 1 tsp of corn flour ( thickening )
sliced chillies * optional
Heat up oil in wok , saute garlic till fragrant, add in the onion rings, oyster sauce and thickening...when the thickening has boiled , add in the pan fried patties and cooking wine. Continue to cook till the patties are coated with the sauce. Add in sliced chillies if desire ,dish out and serve with white rice.
Enjoy !
I used to cook this dish with less onion and minus chili for my kids when they were small. kind of dish