Now is the time to take full advantage of my free tasters and free workers ( the Piggies )to help out and make a cheesy bacon and asparagus quiche. Asparagus has a subtle, grassy taste that goes well with eggs, bacon and cheese and I thought it would be a good idea to make asparagus quiche since I have some in the fridge.
Quiche is such a versatile dish that one can have many varieties of fillings such as seafood, chicken , leeks and spinach and not to forget fresh mushrooms. I can rap on and on..so to make the story short, I made one last nite after dinner for my Piggies to have for their lunch today :) But as expected, while baking, the aroma that wafted out of the oven had made the Piggies hungry so instead of waiting to eat that quiche for their lunch next day, they gobbled some for supper :p having satiated their hunger pangs ..they managed to sleep well :)) Now you know why they were nicknamed Piggies…not for no reasons! (",)

this is one quiche that is so delicious
that my Piggies stamped it well done :)))
Their approvals meant lots to me :p

the Piggies were waiting in anticipation to see the outcome
of the cheesy crust..will it crumble? :p

the awesome filling - cheesy rich plus the aromatic
grilled bacon bits and the subtle grassy taste of asparagus
real heaven on earth!

while drooling here but better still if you try making this
yourself....I am sure you will agree with Momsie !
I am not advertising for myself but I am sharing
the good news here LOL!
** I used the same Quiche Lorainne recipe
but tweaked it by adding chopped asparagus to the filling
Click here for the recipe
Have a nice day !