I discovered that bitter melon or bitter gourd as it is being called , stir fry with just preserved salted vegetable aka 'hum choy' in cantonese tasted good. I read an article from the 'Flavour magazine' that a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur served that as their signature dish. Such a simple dish and that is their signature dish....mmmmm from the photos and description it looked actually like what I have cooked last night.
I would normally fry this bitter melon with salted black beans and shrimps, but this simple and easy to prepare dish is amazingly tasty even though there is no meat or shrimps in it. A very vegetarian dish no doubt. With just asome chopped garlic, julienne salted veg and some olive oil , stir fry the bitter melon under high flame. Add a pinch of salt, a dash of white pepper and some cooking wine when it is ready to be dish up....

......... and I get a plate of insanely delicious stir-fry bitter melon with preserved salted vegetable that goes well with a bowl of porridge or a plate of hot rice . The taste was awesome ! Do try this dish out if you are a bitter melon lover. Oh , by the way the chinese believes that bitter melon is good for the body. It helps to detoxify the blood in our body :)))
Have a nice day !