Well , this trip to KL , we mostly spend our time eating , eating and more eating. I have never felt so relaxed before. Eating has become our first job..haha..just kidding. Every one hour we will ask each other “ So what are we going to eat for lunch/dinner? ”
Maybe becoz we were surrounded by food outlets everywhere in the mall. We can even smell the aroma of laksa and the three of us would say at the same time “ Penang Laksa ” and aromatic smell of different food filled the air-con mall. How not to think of food? : )
We stumbled upon this fantastic place called D’lish ….and Piggy gal was so thrilled becoz she hearts anything chocolatey. We walked in and to our surprised they have many cupcakes with different flavors and interesting toppings …..needless to say Piggy gal and momsie can’t help choosing a few cupcakes with different flavors and toppings. Each cupcake costs RM 6.50. Wow…that was expensive, so we bought only three. BUT to our surprised they charged us only 50% of what we were supposed to pay and that was RM9.75. Haha…Piggy gal’s eyes were twinkling as we walked out. Piggy gal then remembered reading pinkpau's blog that after 9pm , the cupcakes will be at 50%. So if you are around the area at that time, do drop by . The cupcakes tasted fantabulous.
Piggy gal went back and bought 2 more. Hahaha…it was so good that she went back for more!!!!
Ground Floor, Mid Valley (opposite Starbucks)

Chocolate Banana Cupcake with Chocolate Frosting