
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Stir Fry Water Convolvulus , Long Beans, Stink. Beans With Dried Shrimps

I had this at the restaurant and I tried to replicate it from my kitchen.  Water Convolvulus with long beans and stink beans ....stir fry with dried shrimps and shrimp paste.  A wonderful combination! Love it and I will surely cook this again.  The flavor is exactly like Sambal Belacan Kangkong except that it has stink beans and long beans in it.  Thumbs up ! WB loves it coz he loves the stink beans. It is his favorite and you can imagine how much rice he took with this dish .  I want to encourage him to eat more fish and I will be cooking more veggie dishes from now on :)

Stir Fry Water Convolvulus , Long Beans,  Stink. Beans With Dried Shrimps
- from WB's Kitchen


300 gm water convolvulus -  use only the young leaves and stems
10 strings of  long beans - cut into 1" length
100 gm stink beans- halved

3 tbsp of dried shrimps - soak , rinsed and chopped fine
3 cloves of garlic - crushed
1/2 thumb size shrimp paste mixed with 3 tbsp of water- into a paste
3 to 4 bird's eyes chillies - deseed and chopped fine

2 tbsp of vegetable cooking oil


Heat up oil in wok till smoking hot, add in garlic, chillies and sauteed till fragrant , add in the dried shrimp and continue to stir fry till the dried shrimps till fragrant.  Add in the shrimp paste , long beans, water convolvulus and stink beans . Stir fry till the vegetables has soften. Cover lid for 5 minutes. Open lid and dish out the vegetable and serve hot with rice.

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