
Friday, October 21, 2011

Pissaladière - French Fridays With Dorie

The moment I knew that this Friday's recipe for FFWD is pissaladière, I jumped on board with the rest of the Doristas and made this for dinner . Looking at the photo in Dorie's lastest book  AMFT , I knew I would love it  :)   Each time I set my eyes on a mouth-watering food photo, I will just have to cook or bake them  ! 

This recipe comes from Dorie's friend Rosa Jackson, who teaches cooking in Nice, her hometown.  Pissaladière is what Rosa calls " a treasured Nicoise street food, sold in every boulangerie of Vieux Nice and at several stands specializing in quick eats. Actually it is not so quick to make, since the base is of a simple yeast dough that needs an hour to puff.  If both the dough and the onions topping can be made ahead, you can get your pissaladière into the oven with a snap of the fingers :) 

The word pissaladière comes from the word anchovy paste, pissala. It is stirred into the onions to intensify their flavor. I used dried anchovies instead of canned anchovies.  I pan fried them with bay leaf and fresh oregano ( in place of thyme as required by the recipe ) in olive oil.  Chop them coarsely and mixed into the caramelized the fragrant of the pan fried anchovies is so intense that Wild Boar could not wait to devour them :)  

Pissaladière can be served as a starter, a snack or paired with a salad, a light meal. For me, I served this for our dinner...something light and yet delicious. Love the caramelized onions topping with the pissala in it.  I am glad I did not give this a miss and instead jumped on board with all the Doristas  .  I love the base with its crunchy edges and the topping is a winner !  I let my pictures tell the rest.....

Have a great weekend !

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  1. Looking at these is going to keep me awake with hunger all night :-)
    I will do a post on the bacon at some point - hopefully soon!
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Yum! Look at that perfectly risen insides and crunchy crust! I'm always on the lookout for a good pizza dough. Any chance of a recipe?

  3. Cher...I am looking forward to your sharing of the cured bacon :)

    Ping...yea I shall post the pizza dough recipe when I reach home tonight :)

  4. wow - absolutely stunning! I love this sort of food. Thanks so much for making! I can see why you were so excited!

  5. I think I will enjoy ikan bilis more than the angmoh anchovies.
    Less salty and less pungent, :p

  6. Elin,
    I'm really tempted,as always by your dishes and bakes.

  7. Your pissaladiere looks great! One of the first I've seen that actually included the anchovies.

  8. good pie of french pizza :) are welcome :)

    Wendy...yea..this is so fragrant with the pan fried ikan bilis....yummy !

    Sem....thanks for your support and kind is a real encouragement to me :)

    yummychunklet....yea, this is my first time and it is really delicious :)

  9. I'm so happy to see that you enjoyed this one. We really liked it too, but considering all those controversial toppings, I was a bit worried that we would be the only ones. I also really like the look of your crust, looks nice and chewy, mine somehow got too dry, but we liked it anyway.

  10. Elin, I wanted to use dried anchovies too but we just ran out as I made nasi lemak for breakfast! LOL. It looks really good though with the green olives, and your dough even looks more pizza-like than mine! Good thing this was a hit with you.

  11. Oooh, the green olives are pretty. I will try that next time!

  12. Your crust turned out beautifully! Great job!

  13. i thought pissaladiere means pizza, it does resembles a pizza. Great using our ikan bilis, the tin anchovies are quite pricey.. nice!

  14. Looks great in combination with the green olives.

  15. Glad you enjoyed this one - your dough looks springy and delicious.

  16. Yum! It looks like the dried anchovies were the perfect choice! The dish looks just lovely.

  17. Looks great! I'm surprised how many anchovy lovers there are out there!

  18. I love the green olives! I bet any olives taste good on it! :) This was a pretty good one though!

  19. Those green olives looks amazing on the Pissaladiere! Your photos are fantastic! Buzzed you this morning!
    Happy French Friday!

  20. Your tart looks lovely, Elin. I'm envious of the crust. I went with puff pastry that didn't end up puffing... I used green olives too.

  21. What a great recap, Elin! The oregano must have been delicious with the anchovies and onions.

  22. Your crust came out so nice and thick. I have never used dried anchovies - sounds interesting!

  23. I like the look of the thick crust - it makes me want to try it that way some time. Good to know that dried anchovies work well with this, too!

  24. i see those dried little fishes in the store and ponder their uses...looks like yours tunred out great, your onions and crust look delicious in the pictures.

  25. I'm so bummed that my dough didn't rise! Yours looks wonderful. I had a million and a half problems with the execution of this dish, so it was awful, but I definitely want to try it again, b/c I know the problem was me, not the recipe.

  26. I am officially getting tempted to try the dough from this recipe!

  27. I'm so glad I didn't sit this one out either. Better late than never for me. Your crusty dough looks amazing. Makes me want to make this again this week!

  28. Your crust really turned out amazing - I am so glad you captured that photo of the cut piece so we could see the cross section. And don't even get me started on your gorgeous green olives - look just amazing and now I want some !!

  29. Certainly different to the ones I've enjoyed eating. Not sure about the green stuffed olives myself as typically they should be black. And dried anchovy? Oh well, at least you got them on there.
