
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Crispy Lotus Root With Salted Egg Yolk

I am so happy with the lastest issue of the Flavour Magazine .  Found something interesting and salivating and I just had to try it out and gosh it was GOOD !!!  Salted egg yolk coated on crispy lotus root.... can you imagine how delicious this is....the savoury taste with a crunch.  Imagine this with a glass of cold beer....mmmm yummy yummmy .    Flavours Magazine do give us good recipes and there are lots of bread recipes in this issue - May-June 2011.   Love all the recipes in it.....if you have not got your May-June issue yet, do hop over to your nearest newstand and get one...I am not advertising for FM but sharing with you something good :p

I never knew that lotus root can be fried till crispy until I discovered that by using white vinegar when boiling the lotus root , it helps to make the slices to be crispy when fried in hot oil....whoa what a wonderful discovery .  I kept the leftovers for the next day in the fridge ) ...believe me it stayed crispy till the next day ,  I used potato starch instead of tapioca starch .  And another thing is to use China lotus root which is more fluffy in texture.  I am sure you will agree with me that this is a great dish.  Easy to prepare and yet so tasty ...finger lickin' good !!!!

Cut the lotus root as thin as you can go, boil  them in vinegar water for 5 mins
take out and drain dry or wipe with paper towel.

put them in a plastic bag of potato starch and shake them
till all the lotus slices are coated with the potato starch
deep fry them in batches in hot oil till brown and crispy
place the crispy slices on paper towel to take off 
excess oil

ingredients :- cooked salted yolks, chilli, garlic, butter and curry leaves
saute all the ingredients in non stick pan till aromatic

Add in the crispy slices and stir fry till the slices are coated with the
sauted aromatic ingredients.....

a plate of kam heong crispy lotus root with salted egg yolk
that serves well as an appetizer or snack with a glass of beer or
as a main dish for dinner.......

this is a keeper for try this out
to believe what I crap here  LOL!   

Crispy Lotus Root With Salted Egg Yolk  - ( adapted from Flavours Magazine -May-June 2011)


lotus root chips
500 ml water
4 tbsps rice vinegar * I used distilled white vinegar
400gm lotus root, peeled and thinly sliced * I used the China lotus root
tapioca flour to dust * I used potato starch
vegetable oil for frying * I used grapeseed oil
40 g butter * I used 20 g
2 cloves garlic, chopped * I used 5 cloves :)
10 bird eye chillies, chopped
15 g curry leaves, cleaned
4 salted egg yolks, steamed for 7 mins and mashed while hot
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp fine sea salt

To prepare lotus root chips:-
Bring water and vinegar to boil and blanch the lotus root slices in the solutions for 5 mins; drain and pat dry with kitchen towels. Coat the lotus root with tapioca flour ( potato starch ), shaking off excess, and deep fry in hot oil until golden brown.

To finish:
Heat wok over medium heat and add oil and butter. Fry garlic, chillies and curry leaves until fragrant, then  mix in salted egg yolks, sugar and salt. Add the lotus root chips and toss to coat it in the mixture.

Enjoy and have a great day !

*         *        *


  1. So much effort taken, they must be fabulously great!

  2. Yum! This is nice!!! The Japanese restaurants have this for their tempura...but no salted egg. I love salted eggs - sure this is a lot nicer.

  3. yum.. i love salted egg 'anything' .. lotus root, mantis prawn, soft shell crab.. this looks good

  4. Drool!!!! I have a feeling this is one of those dishes that you can't stop eating until you finish the whole plate!

  5. I have never used Lotus Root before - this looks fabulous!

  6. Elin, I just saw Ann from Pig Pig's Corner made Lotus root with namyu and yours are deep fried. Love both recipes, am bookmarking it!

  7. this is really good! thks for sharing :)

  8. LOL...I dare not make thse..Made the fried Lotus root for CNY ..all kaput-ed

  9. This is a very unique recipe that I would love to try. I would never have thought of combining salted egg with lotus root. Sounds delicious!

  10. Claire....yesss they are addictive !

    Arthur...this is better than two served at the Jap restaurant :p seriously this is flavorful :)

    Swee San....yess you must try this, I am sure you will love it :)

    Ping....haha how true, addictive ! Very!

    Erin...thanks for dropping by :) you must try making this. Lotus root chips flavored with the salted egg yolk will love it !

    Anncoo..yea I saw her post. Lotuis root is versatile. Shall post the raisin wine in my next post. Stay tuned :) are welcome , hope you will like it :)

    Kathy....fellow this will not go wrong. Use the china lotus root :) too, until I read the recipe from the magazine :)

  11. Elin, I love Catherine included all her homemade recipes! She's simply amazing. I will try her homemade salted egg some day. Yours look excellence! Have a lovely evening, dear.

  12. This looks really good. It is the second recipe I've seen in as many days for lotus root. Its time has come :-). I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  13. Hi Elin, wow! Looks delicious! I have neve eaten lotus roots this way.....
    This looks like a 3 plates rice vanishing trick, ha ha.
    Can see you have a black belt in cooking.
    Have a nice day and keep a song in your heart.

  14. Kristy...haha thanks , her cheesecake recipes are good :)

    Mary...yea...many are cooking lotus root lately and this is one good one. Do try this out and I am sure you will love the savoury taste and the crispness of the lotus root chips :)

    Uncle Lee...thanks for encouragment. I will definitely keep a song in my heart :)

  15. Whoa, bookmarked! Looks like I have to make another trip to the Chinese grocer real soon :P and thanks for the vinegar tip, crispy after refrigerating is really intriguing!

  16. Fabulous! I've never cooked lotus root before but have been meaning to do so. And I wish I could get my hands on Flavour magazine - I picked one up last fall when my husband and I visited KL. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe!

  17. yum, elin!! this sounds really good and i didnt know abt the vinegar thing, i think i will find you munching on these nonstop!

  18. I love eating this dish at king crab, kelana jaya n so i was excited to try out this recipe.. Din quite come out like urs :( maybe I used too much oil+ butter at the 'to finish ' part...the end part was just way too oily n look ( but din taste) soggy.. Will attempt this again in the future..
