
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Simple English Buttered Roast

I love roasting chicken the simple way..with just thick soy sauce , honey, pepper and sea salt…my MIL’s recipe. I remembered how I love this English buttered roast of hers..when Wild Boar and myself were courting 30 years ago ….whoa such a long time ago ! I used to self invite myself to dinner when I knew she was going to have English roast on that day….awwwww what to do….. :p

Wild Boar loves his mom’s cooking and for the first decade of our married life , I tried to learn as much as I could from my MIL…seriously , she was a good cook and thank God I managed to squeeze  learn everything out from her :p well if not all, at least some of wild boar’s favourite ones….every mom will be eager to teach their daughter-in-law how to cook their son’s favourite dishes or else their son will go hungry :))

My MIL’s English Roasts ( I don't know why she called it English Roast ) :p  is so simple and flavorful that you can have the whole chicken all to yourself.  Best to marinate it a day before roasting and finished off with a spoonful of butter and let the butter melt and infused into the skin…giving it a wonderful buttery flavored and crisp skin. Wild Boar’s favourite roast but I seldom roast this for him for I prefer him to eat more fish than meat…but once in a while I do pamper him and make this English roast for him , lest he miss his Mom's cooking and start ranting on how good his mom's cooking was  :)  Oh , and I have to debone the chicken for him you think I spoil him when my Piggies are not around....nope..the reason being I don't want him to see the blood from the bone when I cut them into pieces , incase there are still some bloody liquid that oozes out from the bone :p and I don't like to over roast the chicken , I want the meat to be tender and moist, so the trick is to debone them !!!  Smart Momsie...right ?

Simple English Buttered Roast


Half  a chicken - with skin on
1 tsp sea salt -  rub on the chicken

Marinade sauce :

1 tsp thick soy sauce
1 tbsp of honey
white pepper

mix the ingredients together and rub on the chicken and cover with cling wrap and leave in the fridge overnight preferrably . Raost at 200C for 45 minutes.  Basting with the remaining marinade sauce , the last 15 minutes.  Add one tbsp of butter on the top and let the melted butter slowly trickles down the half chicken .  Take out from oven and leave to cool down a bit. Cut into bite sized pieces and serve with hot rice or taken with salad .

Enjoy !

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  1. That chicken looks fabulous! No wonder it's a favourite!! Clever you to learn some dishes from your MIL!!!
    This dish reminds me of my Nan's (my mum's mum) roast chicken. She lives in Scotland & used to roast chicken when I would get the train to visit her in my school holidays. It was always very good! She marinates the skin in soy sauce too, but the regular stuff.

  2. Wah!!! So simple and looks sooo good. I know my boys will love it and then their wives will come and learn from me Like you. I ll call it Englsh roast too :P

  3. Andy will definitely drool over this chicken!! Ok, looks easy enough.. shall I try one day? :)

  4. That looks absolutely heavenly. Must try one day...

  5. Simple seasonings but great roast ! Thanks for sharing you MIL 's recipe.immediate book marked . I have no luck to have a MIL.

  6. My MIL wished that I knew my hubby earlier so that I could squeeze her MIL's recipes, of which now has gone with her. Which is much of a pity

  7. Poor me, my mil doesn't know how to cook. Luckily I have talent in cooking, haha... LOL!
    Well, this roast chicken sounds easy, but it's comforting.

  8. elin, i luv all your simple dishes! self invite to your mil house to eat good food or to see mr wild boar?hehe..

  9. Thanks again Elin for sharing this simple and delicious recipe. Love it!!

  10. Your roasted chicken looks so moist and delicious. This is one of my favourite meals. It's such a simple no fuss meal that allows you to spend time doing other things while the dinner cooks.

  11. Oh, roast chicken, my husband would love this. I've never made a whole chicken before though - for some reason it really intimidates me!

  12. looks so warm and tasty .. it looks mouthwatering tasty ..

  13. hi, is the thick soy sauce the same as dark soy sauce which is slightly salty?

  14. Lynne....haha Momsie clever ! this is a simple yet flavorful roast..the butter makes it more fragrant after the roasting :)! I am not so sure with the modern day girls...they expect the MIL to cook and they eat :P

    Claire...roast the chicken this style for him since he likes to eat chicken only :) is great roasting it simple and just add a bit of butter to complete the roast :)

    Sonia....I had a great MIL . She passed away 8 yrs ago :(

    Wendy.....but you are a good cook and baker yourself :) MIL's recipe are real authentic...yea it is a pity though that when you married hubby she was not around to hand over the family secret's recipes to you.

    Litle Inbox....LOL! you cook better than wonder she loves you more :) She thank God her son picked the right gal to be wife :))

    Lena...kill two birds with one stone ..LOL! are welcome :)

    Anna...yea...simple, easy and clean way of cooking for the family :) and leaves you ample time for other stuff :) The oven is the best friend then :P can roast them in pieces...Just marinade them and roast them placing them on rack over aluminium foil. Easy ! The result is the same :) is simple to prepare and flavorful at the same time :)

    Liz....yea it is the same. I added it in for color rather than taste :)

  15. I'm going to try it one day, because it's fuss-free! So kind of you to share.

  16. Ya, they make sure their son won't get hungry! haha.... My MIL never a good cook but my FIL was! He learned all the cooking from his father who was originated from China. FIL's mother isn't a good cook either. She's actually a nun! I wonder how they both get together.... wow,there must be a fantastic story behind it. No one knows, not even my hubby! Hubby's grandpa died somewhere on the way to the Deadly Railway, Thailand. Not sure! He was dragged away by the Japanese & never came back after that. Poor guy!

  17. Cheah....yea roasting is the easiest when you are short of time or too lazy to whip up something more elaborate and messed the kitchen counter :)

    Kristy...ohh how I miss you and your stories. Cool ....your hubby's grandmama was a nun..mmmm cool to have ended married ! :) Hope you will write something on your hubby family history...I am all ears for it :)

    You too have a great day Dear,

  18. Too bad my MIL is not longer around to pass me all her recipes. Until now Carlos still rave about some of his childhood dishes. A way to a man heart is through his stomach ha ha.. great looking roast.

  19. The roasted chicken looks so tender, and great!

  20. Kathy.....:) roast your chicken this way...simple and you don't have to clean your kitchen counter :p and have Joshua eating more rice :)

    Gertrude....ya..true food is one way to a man's heart :) So when Carlos craves for his mom cooking you have to google for the recipe online and make it as near as his mom's cooking lo :)

    Angie...thanks :) moist , tneder and flavorful :)
