
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Homemade Chapati

When Cheah of No Frills Recipe made these and posted up on her blog, I told myself I want to make these unleavened flatbread for WB.  I have hung up my griddle and have not used it for many months already and it is time to take it out and use it :p and thus homemade chapati came into the scene in my kitchen...easy and healthy flatbread. Made from atta flour and olive oil, this flatbread is the staple food of the sikh community.

" Atta is the Hindi word for flour, and flour is the main ingredient of most varieties of Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani bread. Atta generally refers to a whole wheat-flour made from hard or semi-hard wheat grown across the Indian subcontinent. Flatbreads made from atta, such as chapati, roti, naan and puri, are an integral part of Indian cuisine. Most atta is milled from the semi-hard wheat varieties that comprise 90% of the Indian wheat crop. Durum atta is the correct term for hard wheat flour, but chapati mixes (made from a combination of maida and atta) such as Golden Temple are sometimes labeled "durum atta". Hard wheats have a high content of gluten (a protein composite that gives elasticity), so doughs made out of atta flour are strong and can be rolled out very thin "  excerpt taken from wikipedia 

Chapati goes well with chicken curry , veggie curry or sardine curry....I cooked chicken curry a night before (  save time since it is working day for me and allowed the chicken curry to taste better before serving with the chapati )  and as what Cheah described, these chapati are soft and fluffy :)  Thank you Cheah for sharing this soft chapati .  We enjoyed it very much and of course needless to say, the satisfaction of being able to make my own chapati from home :p

yummilicious......dip in the flavorful chicken curry
one portion of the recipe yields 9 pieces

flavorful chicken curry
I shall post up the recipe in my next post :)

Homemade Chapati  - taken from No Frills Recipe


8 oz Atta Flour or Wholewheat flour
About 180ml to 200 ml boiling hot water, amount may vary
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp vegetable oil  * I used olive oil

Excess Atta flour for work surface


In a mixing bowl, mix atta flour with salt and pour in boiling hot water sparingly. Keep stirring all the time with a wooden spoon.

The mixture may look dry initially. Mix by hand (the dough may be hot), add in the oil and knead dough with the heel of your hand till it doesn't stick to your hands, about 10 mins. Dough should be soft and not sticky.

Add in a few drops of oil at the bottom of the mixing bowl, roll the dough over the oil.

Cover the mixing bowl with a damp cloth and let the dough rest for about 45 mins to an hour.

Roll out dough on a floured surface, knead for a while and roll into a cylindrical length. Cut dough about 50 gm each.

Roll each piece of dough between the palms of your hands and dip into some atta flour.

Roll dough out into a round, about 5 inch diameter.

Meanwhile heat up a non-stick pan on medium fire and once the pan is hot enough, put in a piece of roti.

Wait for a few seconds and when bubbles appear, flip onto the other side.

Press on the bubbles with a spatula and the other parts of the roti will puff up. You can also opt to press the bubbled parts with a paper towel, dipped in oil.

Once the roti is slightly browned and puffed up, it's cooked.

Dish up and serve hot with curry or just have it plain with some butter spread. atta flour
Enjoy !
*         *         *


  1. My mum used to make "roti ba-yee" that we ate with curry. I'll see if this one's the same or not.

  2. wah.. like this, we no need to mamak shop anymore!

  3. Your chappati with the chicken curry looks sooo delicious! It is making me hungry.

  4. Yummy! I love chappati, naan, roti canai..all sorts! And not dahl i prefer with, its the curry and the spice inside..yum yum! Yours look delicious, waiting for your curry post..:)

  5. Ohh that is cool. It looks wonderful.

  6. Very nice! I have always anted to make my own chapati. You might of just have incouraged me to do this.

  7. it's been a long time i last had chappati and i usually i just eat them plain but your curry chicken looks good, shall be waiting for your recipe!

  8. My hubs always ask me to make roti for him, this sounds fab!

  9. Arthur...may be the same one :) nid but morning no time to cook this for you. Must eat it hot hot then nice :)

    Biren...thanks. It is nice...anything homecooked will be nice :p

    Reese....I have posted it up already, the curry recipe..a simple recipe but taste good :)

    Joy...thanks for dropping by :)

    Lyndsey...hope you will like it :)

    Lena...the curry is a simple version . I copied my mom's recipe :p is easy to make and can served as a tortilla too :)

  10. Yes, I have already bookmarked this recipe too from Cheah. And going to make it soon. Hopefully! haha... Yours look perfect! Hope you're having a great day.
    Blessings, Kristy
    p/s Elin, I think my grey hair can fight with yours already! They're growing wild lately. haha... See who is the champion! ha...

  11. Kristy....give way to the older one LOL! so you still want to beat me to it :)
