
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The JOY Of Domestic Baking And Cooking.

Can I say this again, homemadeS - domestic cooking and baking bring lotz of JOY - the process of domestic cooking and baking – very therapeutic for me and thus soothes and relaxes me . Looking back, I have tried out many recipes, from books and from food bloggers and each time I succeeded in making the homemadeS , it brings me to a greater height of achievement and encourages me to be even more adventurous in trying out new things :) Life is all about moving on and not just staying stagnant. This is my theme for year 2009 and I hope to achieve and do better in whatever I do!

This is what I have messing around in the kitchen the whole of last week. Homemade Mango Ices ...trying to improve on the texture ^ * . My Piggies love this!

I love making ice cream and each time I see my Piggies licking them from their spoon brings even greater JOY….haha so easy to keep them happy ! In exchange, they only need to give me their truthful opinions and be my FOC taster :p

I know banana cake is the most easiest to make cake , but sad to say I still haven’t master it till date. So lately , I have been going b a n a n a s...keek keekeek now I sound like a monkey :)))) Basically, I don’t like banana cake that has the banana essence in it, I prefer to have the natural sweet scent of banana..hmmm I hope to achieve a better looking banana cake because I want to bake for someone who loves banana cake and I want to present the best banana cake for this someone special. So I have to keep telling myself this “ Gambate will get it right soon!

And needless to say, I have been baking these delicious buns too. Three types of buns in one night..sounds great…those aromatic scent of freshly baked buns filled the kitchen and I sometimes feel like I have been transported to a bakery kitchen :)) I have 3 persons with different likes, one wants sausage bun, another one garlic bun and another one prefers bacon rolls….haih the trouble is when you introduced different flavors to them, this is the outcome ..3 different types in one nite but don’t worry this Momsie is super woman…tricked them by using the same type of dough but just make different shape and use fillings of their choices and TADA…this is enough to make them happy. Momsie is the happiest when I get feedback from them…Mom, so yummy..make more next time. Really, Piggies no doubt! And I told them, if you want more, please go to Elinluv's Tidbits Corner and drool there :0 :0

Top: Garlic Buns for Piggy Gal

Top: Sausage Buns for Piggy Boy
Bottom : Bacon Rolls for Daddy



  1. oh yummy and all look so delicious. great recipes.

  2. That mango ice cream looks fantastic! Creamy and refreshing!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. I am drooling looking at your buns. U r such a super mom! Hope to be your neighbour. Hehehe!

  4. How much I wish I could be there to grab (or steal, haha) some garlic & sausage buns from you, they look so yum!!! ^___^

  5. @ Jo: Hi Jo, Thanks for dropping by :)

    @ Heather Campo : Hi Heather, welcome to my humble blog :) You have a wonderful blog and I look forward to reading your posts :))

    @ Food For Tots: Haha..super woman maybe but super mom..nay not really. Ya, I wish too then I can learn from you, healthy food for the kids :)) and you can have those soft buns whenever I make them :0

    @ Garden Of Eden: Hi Kenny, thanks for dropping by. Haha have some of the buns. Help yourself to them if you like :)))

  6. Baking three types of buns in one all the washing after that...hmm.
    I really admire this super mum :)

  7. Hi ck lam,

    Ya, the washing kills :) but the joy when everyone say mmmm good for the soul ^ *

  8. your baked items all look so inspiring. well done! and keep it up :)

  9. Hi Missy,
    Thanks for your kind words :)

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